Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sister Cora of the Immaculate Heart

Kathleen Lomedico will henceforth go by the name of Sister Cora of the Immaculate Heart!!
I just saw the slide show online of her entrance into the novitiate. She looks beautiful and so happy! I am not sure where Cora comes from, no St. Cora, but I guess it means 'core' or center of the Immaculate Heart. She is right in the heart of Mary. It's a beautiful name. If you want to view the slidshow online, go to and click on the Entrance into the novitiate.


teresa anthony said...

Thank you Catherine for keeping us updated on Kathleen, or Sister Cora of the Immaculate Heart. I only got to meet her a few times at your parents house, including one memorable tea party that we had there sometime after Cecilia's 8th birthday I think. Anyway, we all loved her and we were excited for her when she first entered the convent. It's wonderful to share the joy with her in now becoming a novice. I'll watch the slide show with the kids later.

Love you,


teresa anthony said...

We watched the slide show and loved it! Kathleen/Sister Cora looks VERY happy.