Monday, July 21, 2008

Tribute to Jake the dog

I am sad to find out that today our dear Jake passed away. Mom told me the sad news, and maybe she will elabotate on more details. He was a good dog, and especially good to Mom and Dad in his old age. He also loved the children and they loved him. At least my boys did. Thank you Jake for being a wonderful part of our family for the last 14 and a half years. You will be missed!!!!


Anonymous said...

oh how sad. I have been thinking of Jake while here in Charlotte because the person who owns this house has a little dog that is a miniature of jake and has such a gentle personality (Jake in his older years, not the ENERGY filled young Jake who would drag us around with his leash!!!). I have pix i could add of Sharon and Jake, she always LOVED him on our visits and he was so patient with her...

Jen Heil said...

We will always love you JAKEY!!!

our little brown life said...

Good post Cath- amazing that he lived 14 years- I didn't even know that.

John Pierce said...

RIP Jakey :(

Catherine Berg said...

I am just so very happy to get a comment from my dear sister jen and dear brother John!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks guys - love you

teresa anthony said...

It was a very sad night in the Anthony household upon reading your post. Cecilia sobbed (no kidding) for a little while. Scott said he hopes he gets such eloquent epitaphs upon his demise :)

As Jaye said, Jake in his older years was amazingly gentle, and even the non dog lovers of my family (humbug Scott primarily), grew to like Jake, while the dog lovers, LOVED Jake, Cecilia especially.

We'll miss you Jake, and I'm betting it's a bit lonely at the Pierce house today without you.

Love, Teresa