Friday, January 15, 2010

Christmas with the Pierces

We had the most wonderful visit with the Pierces, Heils, and Browns for Christmas! We really just enjoyed being together with delicous meals and hanging out at the house. The children had the time of their lives together at Grandad and Grandmom's home. Some highlights of the week included; going to the Brandywine museum to see their amazing train display, the gift exchange between the cousins Christmas night, a beautiful lunch outting with just the adults a couple days after Christmas (an incredible babysitter watched ALL 8 children!), the Brown's wonderful wine and cheese night, and witnessing the children play so well together . The whole week was very relazing and peaceful. Thank you Mom and Dad for all your generousity. It was a beautiful Christmas.


teresa anthony said...

I actually looked at this post last week, but it was in a hurry as I was late for something (the story of my life.) So tonight I took more time to ooh and aah over the pictures. Thanks so much for sharing them, Catherine.

One of the bittersweet realities of all of us having ever expanding families, is not being able to be together in the ways we did in the past. My girls still remember Christmases at your house, and Cecilia asked this year if we could go for a visit. I had to explain that as big of a family as we are, and as big as the Pierce Clan is, it just isn't very easy to all fit together (and still stay sane :)

So I'm extra grateful for you allowing us to get a glimpse of your beautiful family's Christmas together. Thanks so much!

Love you, Teresa

P.S. I've promised Mom that in the next day or so, I'll sit her down at the computer and load up your blog so she can see all of these great pictures from your life.

Lorrie and Fred said...

Thank you so much Catherine! Reading your blog brought back very happy memories of Christmas 2009- you were very thoughtful to post this. Love, Mom

The Schultz Family said...

These are so wonderful! I love all the little cousins together like this. What a houseful! It still sometimes amazes me that my wonderful Pierce kids who I've always felt so big-sisterly/motherly toward, are now all grown up, most with families of their own. So funny and sweet. Love you!