Monday, January 11, 2010

Christmas with the Bergs/Kisters/Bergs

We had a breakfast and gift exchange with Gandma and Grandpa Berg.

Jack really loves trains right now, and all he wanted for Chirstmas was a railroad crossing sign, so here it is. He carries around almost everywhere he goes.

Christmas cookies and gift exchange with the Kistlers.

Gemma got a rosary made by Anna, and her first cell phone from Catherine.

We had the Tim and Robin Bergs over for dinner and a gift exchange the night before we left for Philly.

That same night, we exchanged a few gifts to each other. The boys gave Gemma the dress up jewelry and ice cream cones. WE do this in MN becuase it is way too hard to bring a lot to Philly.


teresa anthony said...

Great pictures. Gemma's face in the middle is too much! Was that ice cream? And I love the railroad crossing sign. Where on earth did you ever find that? Kids make our lives so interesting.

Love, Teresa

Catherine Berg said...

Hey Teresa,
You are so sweet! The Raiilroad crossing sign was in the bike section at Toys R us. And you are right, kids make our lives so much more interesting and more wonderful! WE love you and are praying for you as you prepare to have your baby!

teresa anthony said...

Thanks. I'll take all the prayers I can get. I'm in the part that I find the most mentally challenging, because I am "full term" - I'm hyper focused on different signals my body might be sending me that maybe labor is imminent - but then of course, it doesn't come. And from past experience, I'll probably be waiting like this on pins and needles for several weeks. Which in turn makes me not the pleasantest person to live with.

Hmm - maybe you should pray for Scott and the kids even more than me :)

Love you,


Catherine Berg said...

You are so cute, Teresa! Those last few weeks are so difficult! Hang in there!
I will keep you all in my prayers,
Love you!