Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Greg in MN

We had the privelage of having Greg visit us from Sunday, April 20th to Thursday the 23rd. He was a great help with the children, and they really enjoyed having their Uncle around. We had fun at the Mall of America, and at the parks near our home. Gemma really loved being held by Greg (as you can see in the picture). Jack enjoyed playing basketball with Greg at the parks and in our backyard. He mentions Uncle Greg everyday about how he is the greatest basketball player (next to Michael Jordan, whom Jack is obsessed with). And Frederick has a lot of fun going on rides with Greg at the Amusement Park inside the Mall of America. Their favorite was the mini roller coaster. Greg flew home with me and the kids to Philadelphia and was a tremndous help in the airport and flight. Greg we love you and wish we lived closer!!


Anonymous said...

Uncles Greg and Jason...two quiet guys who step up to take care of their nieces and nephews with smiles! how cool!!

The Schultz Family said...

These are so sweet! I love the picture of Greg holding Gemma, and the story of Jack playing basketball with his uncle Greg, "the greatest basketball player outside of Michael Jordan" :)

Love you guys,


Anonymous said...

Uncles are great!