Friday, December 4, 2009

Jack's first college basketball game

The night I got back from D.C., Jack and I went to our very first Gopher basketball game. Jack had a blast, and was mesmorized by the whole experience. His favorite part was when Goldie, the mascot, visited him. It was such a treat to watch him enjoy himself. He ate his whole tub of popcorn all by himself, and cheered the whole time. It was precious.


Anonymous said...

so cute! My son Zac is the mascot for the Greensboro baseball team :) Next time you are here we can introduce you to Guilford the GRasshopper!

The Schultz Family said...

Cath, sweetie, I don't write enough but I check your blog every week or so, and always LOVE your pics. :)

Love, Cathy