Gemma has been a princess in her older brothers eyes since the moment she came home from the hospital. Frederick is always telling her that she is, "so cute." While Jack simply walks up to her and smiles saying, "hi girl, hi girl." As long as he doesn't pull or push her, Jack can call her whatever he wants!!!
It looks like Gemma has a case of hero-worship in those pictures - your kids are so cute!
Love Jacks
what a cutie pie! Still can't get over how she looks like you...
those boys are bound to be awesome big brothers, i could tell that from how awesome Freddie was with Sharon (Jack was too small at the time!!)
Keep up the good work!
Hi Catherine,
Cathy and Mark were here for a few days after Sandy Cove, and Nate was so fascinated by Ben. Not having much experience around babies, he was curious as to why Benny put things in his mouth, why he pulled himself up at the sofa, and particularly his crawling. I was smiling about Jack's "hi girl, hi girl", which of course sounds a bit like calling a dog, because this morning Nate picked up a baby toy and showing it to Ben, proceeded to throw it across the room and said, "let's see if he can fetch."
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