As most of you know, we lost our littlest baby at 11 weeks gestation. It was a great sadness. But we know that this little baby was not meant for Earth, and God knows best in all things. We were able to have a simple burial service for the baby with just our little family. It was very beautiful, and healing. These pictures are from the Catholic cemetary where we buried little Francis Michael. So we have a saint interceding for us in Heaven. Little Francis, pray for us!
Thanks for posting about this Cath. My heart has been with you all. I'm glad you had the courage to write about Francis Michael. Even the smallest of human life is worth honoring and acknowledging. And no one feels the loss quite like thanks for being open about it.
Love you all,
Thank you so much,Catherine, for sharing this with us. Dad and I wish we could have been at the prayer service for Francis Michael in person. We love you very much, and are praying for you always.
Hi Catherine,
I've been so busy lately that I haven't been blogging or writing comments. But I'm so sorry about your loss of little Francis. This sounds like a healing and beautiful goodbye you gave him. Much love to all five of you.
Cath, i'm so glad you were able to honor your beautiful baby with this service. Peace and healing to you!
beautiful! Thanks for sharing about your son!
Dearest Cath,
what a powerful post. i'm so glad you had a burial service for your precious Francis Michael. What an incredibly difficult loss for you, but yet what a gain for heaven. It is pretty amazing to know you have a little saint in heaven interceding for you and your family (and all of our family).
we love you so much and thank God for the gift of Francis Michael, now in heaven!
Love you tons,
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