Saturday, May 9, 2009

Beautiful Grandma

Our beloved Grandma Betty passed away early this morning. We were all very blessed by her beautiful, full life of 96 years!! I am so grateful to have been able to know my Grandma so well, and have so many wonderful memories with her. Gram we love you so much, and you will be missed!


The Schultz Family said...

Dear, dear Betty. I was sad to hear she died. I'm really happy I got to know her. She lived a long and rich life, and will be missed.

Love, Cathy

our little brown life said...

Thanks Cath for posting about Gram.
Love you,

Lorrie and Fred said...

What a privilege to be related to a woman like Betty Pierce! She was always so generous with her time and energy to Dad and me. Thank you Lord for letting our dear Mom and Gram go peacefully from this life to the next!